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Live, Uncut & Uncensored Conversations With

"Musicians You Should Know"

APRIL 2012
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SHOW # 103 - 04/02/12


When bands traveled to Australia in the 80's and 90's, Isaiah B Brunt was their go-to guy for a guitarist and the studio of choice. Isaiah has worked with Julio Iglesias and his orchestra, the Goo Goo Dolls and more.
He represented the Sydney Blues Society at the IBC in 2011. On this night, he sat with me to discuss his life and career. We discussed his EP and the new music he is going to be delivering to us later this year.



WENDY DeWITT - Segment Begins At The 51:05

Wendy has appeared with Charlie Musselwhite, Otis Rush, and Etta James and she is the producer of the Queens of Boogie Woogie shows around California and the Blues Piano Orgy productions in the San Francisco Bay Area. Wendy and I discussed her life and career including her touring with bands over the years and her special performances she puts together. We discussed her time at the 2012 IBC and the results of her judges scores.



LEE PONS - COUCH KID NEW MUSIC - Segment Begins At The 1:32:20 Mark

All guests on Music On The Couch have an open invitation to return when they have big news or new music. Lee first joined me in September 2011 and on this night, Lee joined me again to preview his album Togged To The Bricks. We discussed the recording of the album and played three songs.


SHOW # 104 - 04/09/12


Guitarist, singer, songwriter Little G Weevil is one of the most unique entertainers on the scene today. Born in Hungary, he toured Europe before moving to Memphis, TN to immerse himself in the Blues. Little G and I discussed his journey and where he is headed while checking out tunes from his album The Teaser. He has taken the advice given to him by Willie King to heart.  That advice?  Listen in to find out! 



JUMPIN JACK BENNY - Segment Begins At The 49:55 Mark

On this night, Benny and Tony Fingers joined me. Their music is high-energy and you will need to be nailed to your seat to prevent you from hoping up and dancing when they start playing. The discussion weaved its way from their early childhoods to the present day. How did Benny and Tony meet? What was Benny looking for in a band when he realigned his band into its current lineup? Does Tony Fingers think about his influences when he is writing music? The answers and more are just a listen away...


SHOW # 105 - 04/16/12


Dave Keller has been called one of the finest soul and blues men of his generation.  He is the 2012 winner of the Best Self-Produced CD award at the Blues Foundation's International Blues Challenge in Memphis, TN for his album Where I'M Coming From... recently said, "Dave Keller is gonna be huge!" Dave came and sat with me to discuss his life and career. He described his journey is detail and we also listened to songs from his album.



MATT HUBBARD - Segment Begins At The 50:00 Mark

Matt Hubbard has worked as a solo performer, composer, studio musician, engineer and producer. Most recently Matt is playing with Papa Mali, Bill Kreutzman, and George Porter Jr in The 7 Walkers. The band is hot and Matt discussed his time with them and how they spent hours in the studio just jamming to produce their album. Matt also discussed his work with his Grandfather-in-Law, Willie Nelson.


SHOW # 106 - 04/23/12


Due to a business travel conflict, the show from September 2011 featuring Jack Rowell Jr. & Webb Dalton was re-broadcast.  Interestingly enough, even though all shows are archived, this show had a large Live listening audience on this night!

SHOW # 107 - 04/30/12


The band Tweed Funk earned their way to the 2012 IBC by way of the Grafton Blues Society. Not bad for a band together for less than a year. Their debut album, Bringin It brought the band huge recognition and airplay. Joseph "Smokey" Holman on vocals, JD Optekar on guitar, Marcus "MG" Gibbons on drums, Eric Madunic on bass and Jon Lovas on Sax are the core of Tweed Funk. On this night Smokey and JD joined me to discuss their lives before the band and the time since they all met at a blues jam one evening. How did Smokey come back to performing music after 18 years of 'life' keeping him away?  JD talks about how is their song writing is changing as they get to know each others strengths?



BOY WELLS - Segment Begins At The 50:05 Mark

Wells is a veteran of the southern rock scene that was rooted in the geographical and multi-stylistic pocket around the nation’s capital, who now resides in the artistically fertile hills of Central Texas. His album Blue Skies Calling is a collection of sweet tuneage. Boy sat with me this evening and discussed his journey to this point. He was open and honest about the loses he has suffered over the last 10 years and how they have impacted his songwriting and life in general. He also talked about the direction of his music moving forward and his hopes for bringing his talents to a wider audience.

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